The Benefits for Advertisers

Advertisers that promote their products and services by onboarding their campaigns onto our network of AirScene™ 100 devices will benefit in a multiplicity of ways.

  • Being clearly perceived by Viewer Consumers as a brand that cares, through their support of initiatives like the AirScene™ 100 Network, that positively and proactively benefit their health and wellbeing.
  • Receipt of an ever-increasing flow of pre-qualified sales leads for their products and services.
  • Increased visibility and a higher profile in the marketplace, leading to heightened brand capital and in applicable circumstances, improved shareholder value.
  • Content that is interactive in nature, as opposed to passive (watching TV or online videos, for example) is the ideal way to connect with Viewer Consumers, as we continue to be a part of an Attention Economy, where capturing and maintaining people’s interest, focus and brand loyalty is key.
  • The interactive delivery of exciting and valuable ‘calls-to-action’ to Viewer Consumers, through a variety of digital mechanisms including QR Codes, ** #s, Visual IVR, as well as experiential marketing using advanced technologies like Augmented Reality.
  • One historical issue with placing Digital screens in public spaces is the fact that groups of people viewing the onscreen content presented at the same time will most likely not share common interests, making personalization another key to successfully engaging both new and loyal Viewer Consumers.
  • Personalization adds multiple benefits, as it facilitates the delivery of ads and ‘calls-to-action’ that best-fit each person’s individual interests and by opting in to create a secure personalized profile, Viewer Consumers will receive a myriad of benefits offered through their enrollment in our AirScene™ 100 Loyalty/Rewards Program.
  • In effect, similar to how mobile devices have become second screens to TVs, with viewers using their smartphones, smartwatches and tablets to access supplementary content and features, our Viewer Consumers will use their own mobile devices as second screens to our AirScene™ 100 device.

As a result, our AirScene™ 100 device become the catalyst that triggers their interest in following up and making related purchases, while they are physically on your premises and most importantly, also once they have left to go about the rest of their day.

  • That supplementary content will include: games to play, product research, other info of interest (including recipes and how-to instructions), streaming video clips plus a variety of ‘calls-to-action’ including forms that Viewer Consumers will complete to receive product offers and coupons, complete job applications, reviews and surveys, participate in focus groups and more.
  • Over time, our AirScene™ 100 Network will expand your reach by increasing the number of places where your ads are seen, in turn, becoming an increasingly valuable Sales Lead Generation engine for your business, resulting in higher numbers of pre-qualified sales leads being delivered to you, resulting in higher customer sales conversion rates.
  • In the past, recency meant the times when a potential customer was in your place of business or nearby, making it most convenient for them to come in and complete a transaction, however now, in the age of mobile devices and with linkages to our network of AirScene™ 100 devices, Viewer Consumers can make purchases and stay engaged with your brand from anywhere.
  • To deliver your ad campaign content and brand message at an optimal level, we will gladly work with you directly or with your Digital Ad Agency of Record or our seasoned team of creatives will be glad to assist.
  • By presenting your ads to Viewer Consumers in our network in an interactive content format, we will heighten their level of engagement with your brand, thereby increasing your brand capital.
  • People tend to prefer purchasing goods or services from businesses, of both the bricks-and-mortar and the online variety, that reward them for their brand or vendor loyalty and the AirScene™ 100 Loyalty/Rewards Program that we are crafting provides the platform for those incentives to be offered to both your prospective and current customers.
  • Viewer Consumers will increasingly seek out businesses that host an AirScene™ 100, in order to continue to enjoy the shortened perceived wait times, as well as receive the loyalty rewards that they have become accustomed to.